Wednesday, October 31, 2007

New meaning to hump day

I will be going to the chiropractor for a loooonnng time.
My ex rays show that the curve in my neck has straightened out. and it leans to the right. Apparently not a good thing. It is causing a hump in my neck and back known as a Dowagers Hump. Happy hump day. Yeah, I know, lame joke.
I am in sticker shock and could use a good chuckle so don't be afraid to share any good joke with me. I had to take out a new loan (seriously) to pay for 84 visits. I have 3 visits per week for the next... I don't know how long. For the love of Pete!!! Someone make me laugh!! Sorry, I lean too easily on the drama.
I really am not too freaked out about it. I have known for years that I am not properly aligned. (Insert your own alignment joke here.) And, please, feel free to share. You can't hurt my feelings as long as you share the love too.
I also know that God will see to it that Ed and I are not in need. Ed is going through treatments for his knee at the same time. Ahhh, together time.
God has always provided for us and I believe He has a good plan for all of this. The good news is that now I know what has been causing the constant shoulder and upper back pain and making my arms and hands go all pins and needles in the middle of the night. And it is fixable.
So, my plan is to stay close to home until after the first of the year. That means I will be available to work in my studio if anyone is looking for a hairstylist. Hello!
Unless Spielberg calls me to come do hair on his next movie. Then, I'm outta here. Crooked neck, tingling hands and all.
I am also going to be involved in The Rock Christmas production. It is going to be amazing!! I get to sing a duet with one of the very talented singers in our choir / praise band. I don't want to give anything away but, trust me, this production will be way beyond average! You will be entertained, encouraged, touched and ready to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas. Imagine.
OK. I might turn down Spielberg for this. Mark your calendar for Sunday, December 16. We will have a 10AM performance and a 6PM performance. Be there for one or both. You will not regret it.

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